split unit floor

Wondering if split AC circulates fresh air? Learn the benefits of good ventilation in the home and more from D&B ClimateCare.

How to Keep Your Home’s Air Fresh: Air Circulation Tips

Getting enough air circulation in your home can sometimes be a challenge, especially if you don’t have the addition of fans or other alternatives to help circulate the air. A split air conditioning system is an ideal solution for this.

A split AC unit can change the temperature, humidity and general quality of indoor air. It separates the temperature from the humidity during operation, compared to some other AC units which do not.

But how exactly does a split AC circulate fresh air? Find out below.

How Does a Split AC Work?

Split AC systems cool and circulate air throughout your home. Instead of moving cool air inside, they push unwanted heat out. Heat is taken from the room and cold air is pushed back in.

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The split AC system consists of an outdoor and indoor unit and unlike regular air conditioners, doesn’t have duct work. The outdoor unit consists of a condenser and compressors, while the indoor unit has a blower with evaporation. The two work together to provide effective cooling.

How Does Split AC Affect Air Quality?

Unfortunately, indoor air quality (IAQ) is more than ten times more polluted than outside air, with pollutants contributing to respiratory conditions like asthma and allergies.

To combat this, installing a ductless air conditioning unit improves humidity and IAQ by absorbing hot air and decreasing the air temperature overall. This makes the air less capable of holding moisture. Moisture that remains is then transferred to the unit’s condenser. As a result, there is less condensation on widows and your home’s humidity level is well controlled.

In addition, with less humidity, there are less pathogens that exist to contribute to illness and allergens. Split AC systems also usually have a multistage filtration that decreases the level of air particles such as dust, bacteria, allergens and pollen. This provides better quality indoor air overall.

Importance of Good Air Ventilation in Your Home

A poor ventilation system alongside indoor air pollution opens your household up to a number of health concerns such as allergies, rashes, headaches, asthma, and more. Installing a good ventilation system can put a stop to these.

Here are some additional reasons why having good air ventilation is important:

  • Your home can often become hot and stuffy if there are many people in a confined space for a prolonged period of time. A well-ventilated room will instantly make everyone feel more comfortable.
  • Although good for your physical health, a well-ventilated home will stay fresher for longer. It will be pleasant and relaxing and you can prevent the build-up of stale and musty odours.
  • Condensation can lead to damp, mouldy and rotten surfaces. Having good ventilation in place will reduce your risk.
  • The ability to control airflow and ventilation can help you save on your energy bill.

Experience the benefits of improved indoor air quality and a balanced humidity level this summer with split AC! Contact D&B ClimateCare for all of your heating and cooling needs.

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